How to choose a precision compressed air filter

Before selecting a compressed air filter, the following elements should be considered:

Size of particles to be filtered

There are standard general purpose filters that can remove particles from 5 to 40 microns.

Filters that remove particles smaller than 1 micron also exist, particularly for equipment used in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Flow and pressure loss (or pressure drop)

The size of the filter varies depending on the flow rate of the gas to be filtered. These can have flow rates of up to 1,700 Nm3/ h.

In order to choose the right size you will need to determine the maximum pressure loss of the filter.

Refer to the flow rate reference pressure drop curve provided by the manufacturer.

For optimum operation it is recommended to avoid pressure drops greater than 5 psi.


At what temperature will the compressed air filter operate?

High performance filters are available for high temperatures (over 450°C).

Environmental standards

Compressed air filters conform to ISO 8573, which specifies the purity class of compressed air in the presence of solid particles, water and oil, regardless of their location in the compressed air system.

The standard also provides general information on contaminants in compressed air systems and makes reference to other parts of ISO 8573 in relation to the measurement of compressed air purity or the specification of compressed air purity requirements.

Finally, the ISO 8573-1:2010 standard also identifies gaseous and microbiological contaminants.

Lingyu ~ 1.0 0.01 micron precision moisture removal compressed air filter

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